The census conducted by Govt of India in 2011 reports population of differently abled persons at 2.16% of total population which covers all categories. The act of 2005 specifically enacted for the rehabilitation of physically challenged mandates 3% reservation in wage employment opportunities in the organized sector. The self employment schemes implemented by different govt. agencies also keep reservation at 3%, however response for the benefit realization is lukewarm and is reported at 0.54% for public sector enterprise and 0.28% for private sector enterprises. The reasons reported for the poor absorption rate inspite of legal mandate are identified as inability of physically challenged person to mobilize resources and voice concerns for economic and career development goals.
In order to achieve goal of inclusive growth Scitech Park has developed a Technology Business Incubator at SWPH & RC to support the Differently Abled persons by providing need based technology training, entrepreneurship inputs and extending handhold support till beneficiary candidate becomes wage or self employed and derive benefits of economic independence. The center has high end training halls, classroom & cubicles for individuals.