Municipal GIS

Scitech Park is closely working with Municipal Corporations and Urban Local Bodies to collect, collates and create GIS database for various municipal departments. GIS enablement of the city municipal system has enhanced decision making process, smooth, transparent and effective with high degree of sensibility and ownership for different spatial and aspatial municipal records. All municipal records including details of property tax, utilities (water pipelines, roads, sewer lines and storm water drains) are mappedand converted into GIS network system with relevant database attached for operational geospatial analysis. Apart from this property tax details, professional tax details, details of licenses and lease issued and property usage are covered under uniform and standard GIS platform.Municipal GIS enablement further enhances inter and intra departmental communication within Local Bodies for quick disposal of records on a map based geospatial platform. The applicability of the application further enhances by providing user friendly Web based GIS application for fast, smooth and hassle free decision making on an intuitive basis without having detail domain knowledge of GIS.


Product 1

Looking into the needs and functionality of local bodies, Scitech Park has come up with a software product developed on an open source geospatial platform called Open PRP (Proprietary Resource Planning) Solutions. The product accepts industry standard vector and raster file formats on GIS platform. This product further can be used to perform common GIS functionalities like buffer analysis, shortest route analysis, simple and intelligent searches on thematic layers created based upon names and phonetics or any known identity element. The application can dig into huge database, search records and display it on to a GIS map form within seconds. Apart from this the most important feature of the present application is that it is built on an open source platform, independent of host operating system and customization can be done easily for user specific needs.