As per the State Government Agenda, e-Governance in Agriculture – Online monitoring the physical and financial progress of the various schemes. To generate monthly physical & financial progress reports, Monthly Expenditure, Monitoring and Business Intelligence Reports and make it online accessible for all users of State Agriculture Department Govt. of Maharashtra.
Online monitoring of season /crop and village wise Crop Cutting Experiment Planning and collection of village / crop and farmer wise Crop Cutting Experiment and crop productivity data.

Online monitoring the physical and financial progress of various components. To generate monthly physical & financial progress and Business Intelligence Reports and make it online accessible for all users of State Agriculture Department, Govt. of Maharashtra.
Online Comprehensive solution for Agriculture Training Institute Management, Facility for Course Design and Budgeting, Training Resources Processing, Trainee Nomination facility, Training Calendar and Schedules, multi user MIS facility.

Online monitoring of scheme and implement / input wise beneficiary details, taluka and implement wise demand and purchase order details.
Timely Reporting Area (TRA) is a Centrally sponsored scheme implemented Jointly by Agriculture and Revenue Department to obtain reliable and timely estimates of area under principal crops in each season with breakup of area into irrigated, non-irrigated, traditional and high yielding varieties of crops and also Land use statistics which is used for designing of crop estimation survey in 20% selected villages every year. This system facilitates the frame for Crop Estimation Surveys.

Online Fruit Tree Valuation system useful for Land Acquiring as well as Land Acquisition Body.
Online monitoring the physical and financial progress of various components. To generate monthly physical & financial progress and Business Intelligence Reports and make it online accessible for all users from Vidarbha districts of State Agriculture and Irrigation Department, Govt. of Maharashtra.

Online farmer portal for maintaining farmer wise basic information and detailed information on crop wise area , Irrigation sources, available inputs, animals and cattle’s, agriculture commodity wise market management, Bank wise credit available, Different income sources, quantum of benefits taken from different agriculture and allied sectors schemes.