Honor of AABler Award: Dr. Rajendra Jagdale, DG & CEO, has been conferred with the Honor of AABler Award by Asian Association of Business Incubation (AABI) for his dedication and contribution to AABI.

DST Award: Dr. Rajendra Jagdale, DG & CEO, has been felicitated by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for his years of dedicated service in fostering innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship in the country.
Prawaas 3.0 Award: Dr. Rajendra Jagdale, DG & CEO, has been conferred with Prawaas 3.0 award by Bus and Cars Operators Confederation of India for his outstanding and continued contribution to the strengthening of Start-up and Innovation Ecosystem.

Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Government of India has presented the National Award for e-Governance 2018-2019 to Ultra resolution UAV based Geo - ICT enabled property tax management system for Municipal area of Bhiwani (Haryana) for excellence in adopting emerging technologies.
ERP Package developed by Scitech Park, Pune for Mumbai Defence Estate Office has won Raksha Mantri's Award for Excellence 2017

National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) program of NSTEDB, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India has recognized Scitech Park, Pune as a PRAYAS Center PRomoting Accelerating Young & ASpiring technology entrepreneurs for pre-incubation support to 10 innovative ideas every year for 5 years.
Scitech Park, Pune has been recognized as Empanelled Training Partner (ETP) by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India for skill development of persons with disabilities.
Scitech Park, Pune has been empanelled by Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED) for imparting skill training and entrepreneurship

Scitech Park, Pune was felicitated by ECGC Ltd, Mumbai as their esteemed CSR Partner on the occasion of its 60th Foundation Day and Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
Scitech Park, Pune is a recognized center by National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) for conducting Solar Training Programs in Maharashtra.

Growth Lab Business Incubator by Science and Technology Park, Pune received prestigious 2016 AABI Incubator Award of the year.
STEP–Pune is recognized as Center of Excellence in E-Governance, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.

STEP–Pune has received Award for Entrepreneurship Development by Entrepreneurs International.
Science and Technology Park, Pune received Maharashtra State IT award for Innovation, 2010.

Dr. Rajendra Jagdale, DG & CEO, decorated with one of the highest civilian titles- “Knight of the Order of Academic Palms” by the Government of France.
Dr. Rajendra Jagdale, DG & CEO, honored as a Fellow of Linnaean Society, London, UK for the significant contribution to the Natural History.
Dr. Rajendra Jagdale, DG & CEO, is the recipient of prestigious Yashwant Jeevan Gavrav Puraskaar (Life time Achievement Award) given by Trishakti foundation at Karad.
Dr. Rajendra Jagdale, DG & CEO, received Environmental Leadership Award for “Outstanding contribution to improve the environment and quality of life for the people of Asia” from USAID.
Dr. Rajendra Jagdale, DG & CEO, is the recipient of Youth Leadership Award from International President, Lions Club.