
1. To establish a suitable educational, research, technology commercialisation mechanism which would foster creation, development and growth of technology- oriented entrepreneurs and enterprises through Innovation, financing, setting up incubation centres, science parks, with support from various state, national and international collaborations and support of Industries:
a. Assistance in development of new innovative products, services, processes and techniques.
b. Providing technical and financial consultancy services through the members of the society and/or collaborating individuals, industries, organizations or Research and Development institutions.
c. Conducting capacity building, training programs, skill training, need based courses for industries, entrepreneurs, training academic and research institutions and students.
d. Provision of data management, technological updating services to the industries, institutions and business enterprises.
e. Conduct of research and development in collaboration with industries, organisation and institutions.
f. Undertake contract research, collaborative research and consultancy projects either independently or jointly with other institutions and organizations.
g. Set up/promote either independently or jointly in collaboration with other Institutions or organizations, Centres, institutions/projects in the area which promotes Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship, Innovation.
h. Provide Intellectual Property Management and Technology transfer services to boost technology commercialisation.
i. Create mechanism for need base adoption of technologies from overseas,
j. Providing advisory and policy services to various government and private sector bodies for adoption of innovative technologies and processes.
k. Work with Academia and R&D institutions to commercialise their technologies and to promote entrepreneurship.
2. To provide infrastructure and development facilities to technology oriented industries by giving support in the following areas:
a. Physical facilities like co-working spaces, makers labs, Research & Development laboratories.
b. Infrastructure like administration and communication.
c. Technical support like consultancy on problem areas and provision of library facilities.
d. Facilities for prototype development and testing.
e. Guidance and assistance for the procurement of financial support like seed, angel, venture capital, private equity, etc.
f. Establish and operate or associate with risk capital like Seed fund, Angel fund, Venture Capital, etc. through appropriate legal mechanism.
3. To assist the promotion of entrepreneurship through:
a. Identification and motivation of the entrepreneurs.
b. Imparting training to students and motivate them for self-employment.
c. Creation of environment and facilities to educate entrepreneurs and assist in identifying products, preparation of proposals, financing facilities, helping in developing testing, marketing and management.
d. Diagnostic study of sick units, also potentially sick units; and provide technological support for their revival.
e. Encouraging entrepreneurs to develop confidence and attitude to be self-supporting.
f. Help overcoming the teething problems of industries.
4. To assist in Research and Technological Development through:
a. Co-ordination in transfer of technology.
b. Providing research and development facilities for entrepreneurs.
c. Developing new products, services, processes and analytical techniques.
d. Developing the existing processes by inducting new techniques in the existing processes.
e. Development of high technology in various disciplines.
f. Developing indigenous alternatives for imported Technology.
g. Creation of sophisticated instrument facilities.
h. Analysing the problems of existing entrepreneurs and dissemination of their solutions.
i. Establishing appropriate links with the international scientific community.
j. Identifying products and services for exports.
5. To provide Training and Management Facilities through:
a. Conducting training programs and refresher courses for the entrepreneurs.
b. Developing the methodologies of training and selection.
c. Assessing the consumer acceptance and marketability through experimental production.
d. Coordinating the work of academic, research and industrial units.
e. Organizing seminars, workshops and conferences at the Regional, National and International levels to enhance the skills of entrepreneurs.
f. Provide services to facilitate consultancy programmes, contract research, training to faculty, to departments, schools of the university of Pune and its affiliated institutions and colleges to carry out such programmes in any discipline of science or other faculties of the University of Pune
6. To provide Testing and Quality Control Services by making available:
a. The Quality Control facilities.
b. The testing facilities for both internal and external users.
c. Reference, facilities to the entrepreneurs.
7. Technology Business Incubator
Promote, establish, run and operate Technology Business Incubators to boost high-tech entrepreneurship among youth.
8. Innovation Clusters and Science Parks
Assist various institutions, cities, states, countries in promoting Innovation Parks/clusters and science parks to boost technology commercialisations and entrepreneurship and to establish and operate such centres.
9. To undertake activities to impart technology-based skills among youth to enhance their potential for better employment or to become self-employed/entrepreneur.
10. Act as an agency to use CSR (corporate Social Responsibility) funds for promoting Business Incubators, providing risk capital to entrepreneurs, promote technologies to elevate lives of people who are at the bottom of economic pyramid, farmers, socially and economically deprived section of society, improvement of health, hygiene, eradication of malnutrition, providing safe drinking water, improvement of quality of education, low cost good quality rural homes, environment improvement, energy efficiency, improvement of agriculture, rural empowerment, documentation and commercialisation of grass-root and or social innovations, etc.
11. Undertake assignments as directed by Govt of India and various state governments in the areas of technology development, Innovation, Technology based business incubation to promote start-ups, establishment of Innovations clusters, science parks, Rural technology Business incubators, science and technology based advisory and policy services, etc.
12. Liasoning with various countries abroad to make maximum use of bilateral cooperation agreements of govt of India in science technology and Innovation, establish collaboration with various governments, universities, research institutions, research parks, science parks, investors, various country level or regional associations, to boost entrepreneurship and innovation in India.
To take delegations overseas for exposure and training.
The task would be undertaken by working closely with Ministry of External Affairs especially with Indian missions abroad.
The Society in furtherance of the above objects, will engage in the following activities:
a. Set up advisory and consultancy services to the industry.
b. Support publication activities.
c. Make available facilities of the Society to the users, on suitable terms.
d. Undertake such other activities, which are cognate to the objects of the society or are conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
14. The income and property of the society from whatever sources derived shall be applied solely for the attainment of or towards the promotion of the objects of the Society as herein contained or for such other purposes as recognised by the Bombay Public Trusts Act or statutes framed from time to time as applicable to the society.